透過 SDG Impact Standards 企業標準培訓課程,我們促使企業和個人具備清晰的思維和合適的工具,建立管理影響力的能力,以積極促進可持續發展,並將聯合國可持續發展目標納入組織內的決策過程之中。
透過 SDG Impact Standards 企業標準培訓課程,我們促使企業和個人具備清晰的思維和合適的工具,建立管理影響力的能力,以積極促進可持續發展,並將聯合國可持續發展目標納入組織內的決策過程之中。
此培訓課程指導學員學習《可持續發展目標影響力標準》(SDG Impact Standards),這是一個全球性的框架,旨在為投資者和企業提供最佳實踐指南,將影響力管理納入業務決策,對可持續發展和可持續發展目標(SDGs)作出積極貢獻,將可持續發展的意圖轉化為行動。
本課程專注於影響力管理的實踐,旨在為可持續發展方面的從業人員和行業領導者提供指導,通過建立對 SDG Impact Standards 的深刻理解,掌握如何將可持續發展納入決策過程。 本課程涵蓋以下內容:
Latest International Landscape
Explore the latest international landscape of sustainability principles, management frameworks, taxonomies, disclosure standards, impact assessment tools and ratings
SDG Impact Standards
Learn about the SDG Impact Standards and the underpinning key concepts
Impact Measurement and Management
Acquire foundational Impact Measurement and Management concepts and norms applied in the Standards
12 Enterprise Actions
Deep dive into the 12 Enterprise Actions
Case studies & Group Discussions
Deploy learning into practice through case studies, group discussions and individual reflections
SDG Impact Assessment Tool
Conduct gap analysis and plan for actions with the SDG Impact assessment tool

  • ~24 小時

    ~24 小時的講課、小組指導、互動練習和有關可持續發展目標影響力評估和規劃的練習

  • 4 天

    共 4 天面授或現場線上培訓,形式為每週 3 小时、共 8 週

  • 小組學習

    每班參與學員最多不超過 12 人,確保為您提供個人化的培訓體驗
  • 2023 年 12 月

    在 2023 年 12 月 11 日該週於香港舉辦
  • 認證講師

    課程講師獲聯合國《SDG影響力標準》認證及國際社會價值協會 (Social Value International) 認證,為經驗豐富的可持續發展策略專家。
  • 證書

    完成課程後,參與學員可獲由 SDG Impact、Social Value International 和 PIE Strategy 共同頒發的證書

《SDG 影響力標準》由可持續發展目標影響力計劃(SDG Impact)開發,是聯合國開發計劃署的一項全球計劃,旨在幫助投資者和企業以更可持續的方式從事業務,對可持續發展和聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs)作出積極貢獻。

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs provide a shared blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Every day, more and more companies are looking for straightforward ways to operate sustainably and make a positive contribution to the SDGs. Increasingly, investors and companies begin to recognise the business case of sustainable development.

However, there has been a long-standing lack of clear guidance on how companies can translate intent into actions. The SDG Impact Standards, first introduced in July 2021, aim to address this knowledge gap and move companies from SDG alignment to SDG action – from thinking about the SDGs as an add-on to how business gets done.

The Standards, with its 12 Enterprise Actions organised under four interconnected themes – strategy, management approach, transparency, and governance, provide best practice guidance for companies to create an enabling environment for long-term enterprise value creation, while driving forward better outcomes for people and planet.
關於 SDG 影響力標準的一分鍾短片
為什麼我們需要 SDG 影響力標準?
  • 了解全球最佳的可持續實踐
    for operating sustainably and contributing to the SDGs through hands-on learning to implement the UNDP's SDG Impact Standards.
    fostering an enabling environment to strengthen financial performance and drive forward better outcomes for people and planet.
    by learning how to integrate sustainability at the core of decision-making practices.
    with the knowledge, confidence and resources to integrate sustainability and the SDGs in organisational decision-making with a plan for actions.
    by earning recognition of your knowledge with a certificate of completion jointly from SDG Impact, Social Value International and PIE Strategy.
    with business leaders and changemakers who are among the firsts to be trained on UNDP's SDG Impact Standards.
Who can apply?
In this pioneering phase of the global roll-out of the training for SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises, preference will be given to applicants who are business leaders and managerial and technical-level representatives with decision-making authority or influence to integrate sustainability considerations into the core of their organisations' strategy, management approach, transparency, and governance, as well as investment decisions, and product and service development. Organisations are encouraged to join the training with multiple representatives with responsibilities across these functions.

For participants not in the sustainability field in the private sector, we will invite you to join a complimentaryCorporate Sustainability 101 webinar prior to the commencement of the training course to help you get the most out of the course.
Meet Your Instructors
  • Natalie Chan
    Managing Director of PIE Strategy Limited
    Accredited Trainer for the SDG Impact Standards

    With over 18 years of experience in corporate sustainability management, Natalie was first an intrapreneur setting up and leading the corporate sustainability practice at multinational corporations headquartered in Asia before founding PIE Strategy, an impact consultancy specialising in helping corporations in Asia apply a sustainability lens to their business strategies to build resilience and drive sustainable growth.

    Natalie is a Director of the Board of Natixis Foundation, B Lab (Hong Kong & Macau) and Hong Kong Institute of Social Impact Analyst, and a Member of the Energy Advisory Committee of the HKSAR Government. Natalie holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD, France and Tsinghua University, China and completed The Prince of Wales's Business and Sustainability Programme at the University of Cambridge, U.K.
  • James Chan
    Senior Consultant, Sustainable Transformation of PIE Strategy Limited
    Accredited Trainer for the SDG Impact Standards
    A co-founder of PIE Strategy, James has close to 10 years of experience in sustainability strategy and social innovation consulting services for both private and public enterprises in Asia. James has helped a range of publicly listed corporations in Asia develop bespoke sustainability strategies and programmes that create shared value for business and society; and performed social and environmental impact assessments to guide businesses to embed sustainability risks and opportunities in their strategies. He also has extensive experience in stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment, helping companies gather useful and actionable insights to inform decisions and build trust, and empowering their management and the wider workforce to bring the strategy to life.
About PIE Strategy
A certified B Corporation® and a Best For The World Honouree, PIE Strategy is an impact-driven management consultancy with a strong track record in helping leading corporations in Asia embed sustainability in their corporate and product strategies that deliver sustainable growth and drive better outcomes for people and planet.

Through strategy advisory to define the pathway for sustainable and purposeful transformation, and technical services in double materiality assessment, science-based target-setting, climate scenario analysis, product life-cycle assessment and social impact assessment, PIE's sustainability strategists and specialists equip businesses in Asia with the knowledge, tools and clarity to connect business success with social progress and environmental conservation. PIE also works as an impact partner of its clients to activate the implementation of the strategy, through optimising the governance framework, equipping their teams with the right tools and resources, and innovating empathetic models of corporate engagement.
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the training course is open for registration.
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